Guide to Facelift Recovery

The ultimate guide on how to recover from facelift.

The F-A-C-E Guide to Facelift Recovery

  • F
  • Follow Instructions – Be sure to gather written instructions from your surgeon specific to your procedure. These instructions should include an after-hours contact number should you have questions or need guidance regarding the surgeon’s instructions. Having these written instructions will also help your caregivers better understand your needs.

  • A
  • Agua, Apples & Arnica – Hydration helps to avoid constipation issues from taking pain meds. Arnica is often recommended to help with bruising and swelling. Avoid junk food and eat healthy, including fruits and vegetables.

  • C
  • Calm & Clear Environment – A calm and clean air environment is important to the healing process. First-hand and second-hand smoke/vaping has been found to delay healing. Also, avoid friends and family that may bring unwanted drama, or may be unsupportive of your cosmetic experience.

  • E
  • Elevate & Protect – Sleeping elevated is known to help reduce swelling. Many patients have reported using a travel pillow to help protect themselves from side sleeping and putting pressure on the incisions.

Your source for facelift recovery information

Your facelift recovery may vary depending on the individualized surgical plan developed by your surgeon.

Your safety and comfort are our number one priority. The Faceliftology® surgeons and their staff believe facial plastic surgery is a highly individualized process. They are devoted to providing the most personalized care to help see you through the entire process.

Facelift Recovery Traps to Be Aware of:

How painful is facelift recovery?

Most patients report very little pain after facial plastic surgery with pain usually subsiding after a few days. Patients report beimg more annoyed with discomfort than pain. Pain is usually exerperienced around the ears where the incisions are and tightness in the neck.

How to reduce facelift swelling

Most patients report use of arnicia and bromelein as helpful to reducing swelling and bruising. Avoiding known factors that can cause more bruising and swelling is important to keeping swelling under control such as avoiding any heavy lifting, low stress environment, proper diet and hydration.

The Stages of Facelift Recovery

What is facelift recovery like?

Recovery from any facial plastic surgery can be different from patient to patient depending on medical history, patient compliance, surgeon's instructions, and other factors known to contribute to surgical healing.

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Facelift Recovery - What to expect

How to Heal After Facelift & Specific Post-Operative Facelift Instructions

Faceliftology® Resources:

Preparing for Facelift

Helpful tips & information to help you prepare for facelift surgery.
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Find A Facelift Surgeon

Helpful tips to help you find a qualified & board certified facelift surgeon.
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Facelift Recovery

The web's top resource for facelift recovery information and tips.
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