Helpful Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Face lift Procedure

Preparing for your face lift procedure can be an exciting experience.

From finding the right face lift surgeon and the recovery process, we have outlined some helpful tips to help you prepare for your face lift journey. We wish you the best experience and hope you find this page helpful so you can approach your procedure with confidence and peace of mind.

Facelift Surgery Check List:

  • Loose Fitting Hat
  • Scarf
  • Oversized Sunglasses
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Aquaphor®
  • Protein drinks, yogurt, fresh fruit, ice cream, low-sodium soups
  • Bottled Water
  • Audio Books
  • Post-operative healing supplements: Arnica & Bromelain
  • Travel Pillow that loosely cradles neck

The Face List for Preparing for Facelift Surgery

Helpful Tips for Preparing for Facelift

How do I prepare my face for a facelift?

Your face lift surgeon may provide you with a skincare regimen to prepare your skin for your facial procedure. Many facial plastic surgery specialists recommend a skin care preparation that includes retinol or Retin A. Retinol skincare products are widely known among skincare professionals for their rejuvenating qualities that exfoliate the skin of old layers of skin that contribute to poor texture and skin tone.

Your doctor may recommend a pre-surgical skincare plan that includes retinol, or a prescription strength Retin A. Ask your doctor what they recommend to help prepare your face for your face lift procedure.

Faceliftology® Resources:

Preparing for Facelift

Helpful tips & information to help you prepare for facelift surgery.
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Find A Facelift Surgeon

Helpful tips to help you find a qualified & board certified facelift surgeon.
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Facelift Recovery

The web's top resource for facelift recovery information and tips.
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